With digital advertising permeating every corner of the internet, consumers are starting to experience ad fatigue, particularly when ads interrupt the user experience.
Recent studies have found that digital ads have a lousy reputation with users; from pop-ups and interstitial ads interrupting the browser experience to remarketing following users from site to site, people are becoming increasingly frustrated with ad campaigns.
However, for most digital publishers, online advertising is an essential part of their monetization strategy. So how can we explain the gap between online advertising’s negative reputation and the undeniable ability for it to drive revenue?
The answer lies in the types of advertising presented to users.
83% of people agree with the statement, "Not all ads are bad, but I want to filter out the really obnoxious ones." Furthermore, 77% agree with the statement, "I wish there were a way to ad-filter instead of ad-block completely."
Aquí es donde los formatos de anuncios más nuevos, como los formatos de anuncios rich media, cobran importancia. Dado que los consumidores invariablemente están de acuerdo en que las ventanas emergentes son molestas y que la ceguera de los banners es ahora un hecho bien establecido, las campañas de medios enriquecidos ayudan a los anunciantes a crear conciencia de marca, aumentar el retorno de la inversión (ROI) y, en última instancia, mejorar la experiencia publicitaria para todos los involucrados.
What Are Rich Media Ads?
As the name suggests, sophisticated rich media ads focus on interactive elements and dynamic visuals. Rich media ads are designed to grab the audience’s attention and drive customer engagement by utilizing a mixture of text, images, audio, video, animations, and other elements. Moreover, they offer advanced features that can adapt to the visitor's device; they can widen if the user clicks on them, hover over content, or change the position of the ad campaign on the page.
Rich media ads offer dynamic creatives, giving consumers the user interaction they crave in an increasingly ad-saturated online environment.
Rich Media advertising offers the following elements:
- A diferencia de los anuncios gráficos estándar que emplean imágenes y texto estáticos, los medios enriquecidos se centran en el audio o en elementos visuales dinámicos.
- Son interactivos y empoderan a los consumidores, y requieren interacciones del usuario para que se reproduzca el contenido de video o audio.
- Pueden incluir elementos de juego, lo que los hace perfectos para anuncios dentro de aplicaciones en dispositivos móviles.
- Son compatibles con Java, Javascript y HTML5 para que puedan usarse en cualquier sitio web y aplicación.
Rich Media Ads vs. Standard Display Banners
Now that we have looked at some of the key elements of the rich media ad format let’s discuss how they differ from standard display banner ads.
Según Google , las principales ventajas de la creatividad rich media sobre la creatividad display estándar son las siguientes:
- Una experiencia de usuario atractiva que conduce a una mayor tasa de interacción
- Aumento de conversiones, clics y tasas de visualización
- Los sistemas de seguimiento de Rich Media ofrecen mejores métricas que los anuncios tradicionales
Here are some of the predominant differences between the two formats.
Beneficios de los formatos de anuncios Rich Media para los editores
Los anuncios multimedia ricos en elementos creativos ofrecen muchos beneficios a los editores.
They are Creative and Dynamic
By their very definition, ads that employ rich media are creatively ‘rich.’ Furthermore, due to the increased data analytics available with rich media technology, they are dynamic, allowing advertisers to target specific segments of their audience via location or browsing behavior.
They Drive User Engagement
Se ha demostrado que la publicidad gráfica en formato Rich Media impulsa la participación del consumidor al animar a los espectadores a interactuar con el anuncio. Según eMarketer , los anuncios que utilizan formatos rich media superan a los anuncios de banner estándar en un increíble 267%.
They Drive Purchase Intent
Further to growing user engagement, rich media drives purchase intent, leading to greater ad revenue for publishers and advertisers alike.
Studies have shown that ads using rich media creative resulted in a 1.16% increase in purchase intent as opposed to ads using other formats, such as simple GIFS or still images.
Cómo crear anuncios Rich Media
Decide on the Ad Campaign Strategy
As with any online advertising campaign, you will want to create a solid strategy before you start creating a rich media ad. Think about what you are advertising, who your target audience is, and how best to engage them with your interactive ads.
At this stage of the process, advertisers should decide which type of media they want to use in their ad campaign. For example, if they are using video, what will the video include? How and when will it be shot?
Creators should also plan out which ad elements will be interactive, such as a slide functions.
Create Your Assets
When creating video ads of any type, advertisers need to consider, and list, their creative assets.
Will you be using stock footage, or will you be filming the video in-house? If you are using your own imagery, you’ll need to hire actors, film videos, and write the text.
Choose a Design Platform
Creating and designing rich media advertising campaigns has never been simpler with a range of Creative Management Platforms (CMP) on the market that supports HTML5 technology.
Los editores deben elegir el CMP que mejor se ajuste a su presupuesto, habilidades de diseño y contenido multimedia enriquecido.
Ejecute sus anuncios y mida los resultados
Once you have created your ad, now is the time to run your campaign. Ads using rich media run on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, along with search engines.
Rich media advertising offers access to a range of granular data so advertisers can see what’s working and use it to tweak their campaigns.
Advertisers can track video and audio plays down to the finest percentage value while analyzing users by demographics to better understand their target market.
Dónde crear anuncios Rich Media
HTML5 gives publishers the technology they need to create ads with rich media. There are several tools and platforms that allow advertisers to create rich media campaigns that drive users’ engagement and increase their click-through rate.
There are several options out there for people with little design knowledge to create a rich media ad. Some platforms that support HTML5 rich media ad creatives include:
- flujo de banners
- Canva
- My Banner Maker; and
- Google Web Designer
Para los anunciantes versados en el diseño de publicidad gráfica, Adobe (o Gimbal) puede ser una mejor opción, ya que incluye funciones avanzadas para perfeccionar su creatividad publicitaria enriquecida.
Formatos de anuncios Rich Media
Varios formatos de anuncios se adaptan al formato rich media.
Rich Media Banner Ads
Banner ads are the most widely used canvas in online advertising. This is primarily due to their positioning at the top of the page, which leads to high viewability and less load time. By replacing standard banner ads with rich media banner ads, advertisers can increase ad engagement and click-through rates. A study by Adform found that while CTR for static banners was 0.12%, those for rich media ads were 0.44%—267% higher.
- Costo por impresión: medio a alto
- Low loading time
Anuncios intersticiales de medios enriquecidos
An interstitial ad is an ad that covers the entire screen at natural transition points as the user scrolls through the page content. Due to interstitial ad placement, they are impossible to miss, and they support HTML5 technology. In addition, their use in gaming apps encourages viewers to interact with them, making this ad format the perfect match for a rich media ad.
- Costo por impresión: medio a alto
- Visibilidad alta
Rich Media Expandable Ads
Rich media expandable ads are multi-directional ads; ad expansions occur when user-based triggers occur, such as hovers, clicks, or taps. As opposed to static display ads, these ads are intriguing to users, ultimately leading to high CPMs.
- Costo por impresión: alto
- Visibilidad alta
Anuncios pushdown de Rich Media
El formato de anuncio pushdown es algo similar al formato de anuncio expandible; sin embargo, estos anuncios sólo se expanden en una dirección: hacia abajo. Los anuncios aparecen como un adelanto o una vista previa en la página web; sin embargo, no ocultan por completo el contenido, lo que genera una alta visibilidad; sin embargo, el tiempo de carga puede ser bastante alto.
- Costo por impresión: alto
- Visibilidad: alta
- Loading time- High
Rich Media Ads: Best Practice
- Mantenga sus mensajes específicos y sencillos, como lo haría con los anuncios de texto.
- Para los anunciantes que pasan de anuncios estáticos a medios enriquecidos por primera vez, es esencial mantener la presentación alineada con el perfil de su marca para ayudar a recordar la marca.
- Intente mantener el tamaño de sus archivos lo más pequeño posible para mantener bajos los tiempos de carga de la página.
- Consider creating different versions of your rich media ad to target specific audiences according to demographics, language, and geo-location
There is no doubt that compared to standard ads, rich media ad formats are an increasingly attractive choice for publishers looking to extend their digital advertising reach.
Rich media offers an increased user interaction rate, maximizes advertisers’ ROI on ad spend, and ultimately creates a richer experience for everyone in the digital ecosystem.
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