Adtech ist vielleicht die wichtigste Entwicklung in der Werbebranche der letzten drei Jahrzehnte. Adtech und seine Rolle bei der Monetarisierung von Websites und Apps haben Google und Facebook zu Umsätzen im zehnstelligen Bereich verholfen und Tausenden von Marken zu bekannten Namen verholfen.
This article covers everything publishers need to know about ad tech, from the history to the main types of software available in their journey to creating revenue from their sites.
Was genau ist Ad Tech?
Ad technology, or ad tech for short, is the umbrella term encompassing all the software, platforms, and emerging technologies used by agencies, advertisers, and publishers in the strategic roll-out of their digital advertising campaigns.
It includes tools that allow brands to target, deliver, and analyze their marketing efforts.
Digital advertising can be a complex and costly endeavor, particularly for those new to monetization efforts. For publishers to ensure they roll out advertising campaigns that are cost-effective, they should be looking to partner with ad tech providers that have the required technical and logistical expertise to ensure maximum return on their advertising investment.
Seit die erste digitale Werbekampagne 1994 auf online erschien, gab es mehrere Fortschritte im Bereich der Online-Werbung, nicht zuletzt durch die Einführung von Ad-Tech, die den Prozess der Anzeigenschaltung revolutioniert hat.
Die Ad-Tech-Revolution begann 1995, als FocaLink Media Services den ersten Ad- Server entwickelte. Darauf folgte der Erfolg von Doubleclick, einem kombinierten Werbenetzwerk und Ad-Server, aus dem später Google Ad Manager hervorging.
Early ad exchanges begin to appear in the mid-2000s, with DSPs, DMPs, SSPs joining the eco-system more recently.
Diese Fortschritte haben es den Herausgebern ermöglicht, den ROI ihrer Werbeausgaben zu automatisieren, zu optimieren und zu maximieren.
Programmatic Advertising in der Ad-Tech-Branche
Programmatic Advertising, the process of automatically buying and selling digital advertising space, has been a game-changer when it comes to ad tech solutions.
Before the introduction of programmatic advertising, advertising, ordering, setting up, and reporting on ads all had to be carried out manually.
Programmatic advertising offers the following benefits:
- Ability to scale. Programmatic advertising allows advertisers to reach a large audience by purchasing ad space from any ad inventory available, rather than being limited as they might have been before.
- Real-time flexibility. Advertisers can make real-time adjustments to ads based on their impressions, and they can take advantage of a broad range of targeting criteria.
- Targeting capabilities. With superior targeting, an advertiser's budget can be put to better use and spent more efficiently.
- Efficiency. The process is more streamlined, and more relevant ads are served through targeting. Access to a large pool of publishers means advertisers can get a better return on their investment, while publishers can maximize their revenue too.
To learn more about how Publift leverages ad tech to grow our client’s revenue, check out our case studies.
Ad Tech vs. MarTech
Ad tech is often mistaken to be the same as marketing technology, and while the two intersect, there are distinct differences between the ad tech and mar tech industries. While most people consider advertising to fall under the larger banner of marketing, others see them as separate but interconnected specializations.
Below are some of the significant differences between ad tech and mar tech.
Arten von Ad-Tech-Software
Die Ad-Tech-Landschaft besteht aus allen Akteuren im Ad-Tech-Ökosystem, die durch ein komplexes Netz miteinander verbunden sind. Die führenden Branchenakteure von Werbetreibenden und Publishern werden durch die Ad-Tech-Lösungen verbunden, die diese Akteure benötigen, um ihre digitalen Marketingbemühungen umzusetzen.
To achieve their specific goals, they use different tools and platforms.
In der Vergangenheit wurden Adserver verwendet, um Anzeigen zu hosten und zu speichern und sie auf den Websites der Herausgeber bereitzustellen. Heute sind Adserver Plattformen, die mehrere Dienste vereinen: Sie starten Werbekampagnen, verwalten Website-Platzierungen und bringen Herausgeber und Werbetreibende zusammen.
Ad servers also work to collect key ad data metrics to enable publishers to optimize their campaigns successfully.
Adserver ermöglichen den gesamten Kauf- und Verkaufsprozess von Medien, ohne dass der HTML-Code von Webseiten geändert werden muss.
There are two types of ad servers; first-party ad servers that publishers use to sell inventory, and third-party servers that are used by advertisers to launch, manage and optimize their digital advertising campaigns.
Demand-Side-Plattform (DSP)
Demand-Side Platforms are an interface allowing users to buy ad inventory from various ad exchanges and supply-side platforms (SSPs). They play an integral role in real-time bidding (RTB), where they are the receiver of the browser’s request for ad serving.
This ad tech tool offers more automation options than ad servers. Advertisers can set their targeting preferences, CPM, and launch their campaign without having to negotiate prices with the publishers directly.
Furthermore, DSPs offer bidding rules, multipliers, and other optimization tools that allow advertisers to automatically optimize their campaigns
There are two choices when it comes to DSPs:
- Self-Service-DSPs: Self-Service-DSPs werden in der Regel von Ad-Tech-Anbietern angeboten und sind für Werbetreibende der schnellste Weg, um mit dem programmatischen Anzeigenhandel zu beginnen. Self-Service-DSPs ermöglichen es Werbetreibenden, Anzeigen zu handeln und Kampagnen selbstständig zu optimieren, ohne die Hilfe von externen Fachleuten aus der Ad-Tech-Branche.
- White Label DSPs: White Label DSPs are a SaaS platform that can be customized and branded as the advertisers own. Unlike Self-serve DSPs, the white label solution allows integration with custom SSPs, giving advertisers complete control over their campaigns, including where their traffic comes from, and access to all data transmitted from publishers.
Angebotsseitige Plattform (SSP)
Supply-side platforms sit on the other side of the demand-side platform exchange. SSPs are ad tech software leveraged by publishers to manage, sell, and optimize inventory on their websites and mobile apps.
As with DSPs, SSPs work on an RTB protocol, whereby publishers include an ad tag or a header on their web pages, so each time someone visits their website, an ad request is sent.
The tag is sent to the SSP, which processes the publisher’s data and then sends it on the DSP to request a suitable ad.
The DSP matches the publisher’s audience with the advertiser’s targeting, selecting the highest bidder in the process.
Agentur-Handelsschalter (ATD)
An agency trading desk (ATD) is a simplified form of a DSP for users that may not be ready to invest in a DSP or in-house ad tech team.
An ATD comprises a whole toolset provided by media agencies for planning, buying, and managing omnichannel marketing campaigns. An ATD employs staff that acts in place of an in-house media buying team. This means, however, that advertisers using an ATD don’t have direct access to the ad inventory.
Ad Exchanges
When online advertising exploded on the internet in the late 90s and early 2000s, websites began to sell an increasing amount of ad space to advertisers. Before publishers knew it, they were dealing with millions of impressions and thousands of ad agencies. From this demand, ad networks were born; companies that aggregate websites with comparable inventory into bundles, essentially centralizing the ad purchase process. The development of this advertising technology allowed advertisers to buy a large number of ads and meet their impression targets.
Ad Exchanges are the conduit between DSPs and SSPs and are generally leveraged by large ad tech companies in the ad serving process. While advertisers and publishers will rarely access the ad exchange, their inventory will generally pass through this platform on its journey to the ad space.
Datenmanagement-Plattform (DMP)
Data Management Platforms (DMPs) are a form of technology that allows a company to understand its consumers’ behaviors. Generally, a data management platform will allow for the collection of consumer data from several sources:
- Tags on websites
- Tags in mobilen Apps
- Kekse
- APIs
- S2S integrations
Diese Daten sind die wesentlichen Informationen, die Vermarktern zur Verfügung stehen. Sie ermöglichen es ihnen, ihre Werbung zu optimieren, um ihren Verbrauchern hochrelevante Inhalte zu liefern. Insbesondere können Daten in der Werbetechnologie für Folgendes verwendet werden:
- Namensnennung
- Kampagnenoptimierungen
- Identifikation
- Berichterstattung
- Targeting
Customer Data Platform
The CDP Institute defines a Customer Data Platform as ‘packaged software that creates a persistent, unified customer database that is accessible to other systems.’ Essentially a CDP is a single system that centralizes user data for use in ad tech campaigns. CDPs collect both third-party data and first-party data obtained by consent.
With Google phasing out third-party cookies in 2022, CDPs will likely see increased adoption as ad tech vendors and networks will have to rely on first-party data collection to obtain user data.
Tools zum Scannen von Inventar und Anzeigenqualität
Trotz gestiegenem Branchenbewusstsein und Strafen durch Google ist Anzeigenbetrug in der Ad-Tech-Branche immer noch weit verbreitet. Bestimmte Studien zeigen, dass etwa 37 % aller Anzeigen von Anzeigenbetrug betroffen sind.
Bösartige Werbung – oder Malvertising – verbreitet Viren und gefährdet Systeme, während einige Datenverkehrsquellen fast ausschließlich von Bots gesteuert werden.
Inventory and ad quality scanning tools help combat these threats by verifying the ad- and traffic- legitimacy before it is served to a website.
Ad Tech Industry Trend
Der Einsatz von Ad-Tech ist in den letzten Jahren rasant gestiegen und zeigt keine Anzeichen einer Verlangsamung. Da die Branche weiter wächst, können Medienagenturen von verbesserten und saubereren Integrationen, mehr Datenaustausch und größerer Reichweite über alle Werbekanäle hinweg profitieren.
Publift macht Programmatic Advertising für Publisher mit unserer Fuse- Plattform einfach. Egal, ob Sie eine einzelne Site oder ein großes Verlagsnetzwerk monetarisieren möchten, wir können Ihnen mit unseren Ad-Tech-Lösungen der nächsten Generation dabei helfen, Ihren Umsatz zu steigern. Mit einem durchschnittlichen Wachstum des Nettoumsatzes von 55 % innerhalb von sechs Monaten nach der Nutzung von Fuse verhelfen wir unseren Kunden zu Ergebnissen.
Wenn Ihr monatlicher Werbeumsatz mehr als 2.000 US-Dollar beträgt, kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute, um mehr darüber zu erfahren, wie Publift Ihnen dabei helfen kann, Ihren Werbeumsatz zu steigern und den auf Ihrer Website oder App verfügbaren Werbeplatz optimal zu optimieren.