Acerca de WillyWeather
WillyWeather was founded over 10 years ago in Sydney. Initially, it started as the first national tides database, discovering quite a niche following among fishermen, then expanded into a full weather service in 2009.
WillyWeather is a global provider of local weather services that operates a website and apps for both iPhone and Android. Originating in Australia, WillyWeather also serves the UK and USA, with plans to launch in Canada, reaching over 3 million monthly users.
In Australia, WillyWeather provides up-to-date weather forecast information for over 15,000 Australian locations, on BoM weather radar, satellite images as well as synoptic charts.
El reto
WillyWeather explained that “the main issue with how we previously did things was the number of hours we spent on it. Trying to increase your eCPM is a bottomless pit of wasted hours.”
Al subcontratar esta parte del negocio, el equipo pudo dedicar más tiempo a crear un excelente sitio web y contenido sorprendente para sus usuarios, y menos tiempo a pensar en qué nueva tecnología publicitaria implementar o en probar A/B diferentes diseños y formatos de anuncios.
"They were helpful in advising us on how much we might expect from different creative sizes, which helped us to determine which ads to include and where they should be placed. They also pushed us to put ads in places that we were initially reluctant to and, in hindsight, I’m grateful for that.”
Will Bruce, Founder, WillyWeather
El enfoque
WillyWeather has been with Publift for over three years and were originally serviced through a third party header bidding solution before coming over to Publift’s Fuse platform. An initial focus on introducing larger ad formats in more viewable positions combined with the increased demand from implementing header bidding saw significant improvements in revenue for WillyWeather and allowed them to put more focus into growing their international business and audience acquisition.
Los resultados
- El cambio a Fuse Classic supuso un aumento significativo en los ingresos debido a un mejor rendimiento de las etiquetas.
- Esto, combinado con pruebas A/B continuas y ajustes a través de la etiqueta, ha seguido impulsando mejoras incrementales para WillyWeather.
- Al centrarse en mejorar la visibilidad a través de cambios de diseño, junto con encontrar la frecuencia de actualización óptima en bloques de anuncios clave con alto tiempo de visualización, como las unidades fijas para escritorio y móviles, WillyWeather experimentó un crecimiento del 121 % en los ingresos publicitarios en 2019 con un crecimiento del 6,5 % en la página. puntos de vista.
Nos dedicamos a innovar, experimentar y mejorar. Ninguna oportunidad adicional, por pequeña que sea, pasa desapercibida, por lo que puede estar seguro de que siempre estamos pendientes de usted. ¿Quiere obtener este nivel de experiencia en su propio sitio? Comuníquese con nosotrosy veamos qué podemos hacer para mejorar el rendimiento de su sitio.