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with Fuse

Grow ad revenue with Adop experts powered by Fuse Technology

Get award winning tech powered by human expertise to help you optimise and enhance your ad strategy. Unlock more revenue with a team of yield optimisation experts and a complete ad management solution.

We use Fuse to grow your business

Your very own adops team who will help look after your:
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Ad layout optimisation
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Yield performance
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Ad mediation
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Deal management
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Core web vitals health
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Brand safety
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Safety & compliance
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Technical support

How it works

Get a custom ad strategy designed to fit your business and goals. Then get an ongoing roadmap of new ideas, experiments and optimisations throughout your journey with Publift from our AI technology and our team of yield experts.
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We’re here every step of the way.
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Let’s chat next steps.
How it works flow infographicHow it works flow chart
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Take a look at your weekly revenue report.

Improved our RPM significantly

“We are quite satisfied after handing over our ad inventory to PubLift a couple of months ago. Revenues and RPMs are up year-over-year in the high double digit percentages without increasing our ad load.

The onboarding process was straightforward and quickly executed. There was a hiccup during those first days, but it was resolved quickly and professionally. Communication, to the extent it was needed afterwards, has been prompt.

I'd recommend PubLift to any publisher looking to improve their returns.”

Georgi Georgiev,
2 Mar 2024

Case Studies

Could you be getting more out of your ad stack?

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16% Revenue Uplift*

Don’t just add more ads for revenue. Unlock more revenue with yield experiments.
Don’t just add more ads for revenue. Unlock more revenue with yield experiments.
Our yield experiments team is always on the hunt for new ways to grow your revenue. Activate experiments that enable ad refresh, bid caching and dynamic demand partners.
*Achieved just from non visual yield experiments on Database Guide. These results were taken as of August 2024.

1 Hour Every Sitecheck

Make sure your ads are safe and serving all the time
Make sure your ads are safe and serving all the time
Be proactive not reactive – Fuse is built-in with safety features that conduct site checks and round-the-clock monitoring.

9% Viewability Uplift*

Get users to your content
Get users to your content
Dynamically adjust your ad stack loads and cut ads serving for users with very slow internet.
*Achieved by Paycalculator using optimised ad loading. These results were taken from an A/B experiment that ran from January to February 2024.

2 Seconds Earlier to Ads*

Load what is needed – ditch the rest
Load what is needed – ditch the rest
Dynamically adjust the partners in the auction based on your user’s geography. Outside the GDPR region? Switch off the CMP.
*On Weatherzone when they removed their CMP for traffic outside of the GDPR region on 1 June 2023.

It’s a partnership, not an adtech tax.

We work with you to achieve the best results. You are in control of your ad layout. Build a relationship with our team.
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4x uplift
compared to

US Publisher
Tool site
Incredible team of highly engaging individuals, Very professional and experienced. They will monitor your website revenue day by day, do their own testing, and suggest lucrative optimisations.
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5 star customer review
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Brazilian Publisher
Tool site
After migrating two sites from Adsense to the Fuse platform, the results have been nothing short of outstanding. Our earnings have at least doubled for both sites, which is truly remarkable.
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5 star customer review
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support team

Singaporean Publisher
Gaming site
We've just started working together, but the revenue impact has been tremendous. The support team has been very helpful in sorting out the technical implementation.
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5 star customer review
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Professional and
fast team

Bulgarian Publisher
Tool site
The migration process posed challenges, but the Publift technical team's support was impressively professional and fast. They efficiently addressed and resolved issues during the migration, ensuring a smooth transition to Fuse.
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5 star customer review
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Amazing team

Italian Publisher
Editorial site
The support is outstanding and the Amazing team works hard to solve issues in the fastest way possible; no matter what question, optimisation, request, modification you have in mind: they're always ready to test, explain, or change things for you whenever you need.
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5 star customer review
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There is a face
to Publift

US Publisher
Gaming site
They have allowed me to focus on the development of my websites and worry less about handling the advertising. There is also a face to Publift, as in they have customer service that is just fantastic. It is great that I can reach out to a person and actually get timely responses.
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5 star customer review

What makes us different?

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Personalised service with responsive support and real humans
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No lock in contract
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Ad experiences tailored for your diverse users
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Seamless integration via a single tag placement
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Our publishers see an average uplift of 55%
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Fast & reliable monthly payments

Reporting dashboard

Case Study Highlights

Revenue uplift*
Listen Notes grew Programmatic Revenue 50% Without Impacting Page Performance*
Listen Notes needed a way to uplift ad revenue without impacting bigger revenue sources. Better tag loading achieved this.
Revenue uplift* Saw a Whopping 230% Ad Revenue Uplift in 30 days* was a long-time Adsense customer and very happy with the control it provided. He keeps control of the strategy, but now with more revenue.
Revenue uplift*
After a month with Publift, Airportia saw a 48% increase in average daily revenue versus their last partner.*
By better understanding the usage of the site, we could customise ad placements and tag loading to maximise revenue whilst minimising page impact.
eCPM uplift*
Boss Hunting's eCPM grew 285% Compared to Programmatic Standard*
Boss Hunting had 60% of revenue coming from direct deals. Now, they can better monetize their programmatic inventory without impacting their direct sales and the user experience on site.
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*Publift’s performance depends on a range of factors, including market conditions, audience attributes and website implementation. These figures reflect results achieved by a specific customer, but Publift does not represent or guarantee that other clients will necessarily achieve similar results.”

Get Started

Contact us today to elevate your ad revenue with Publift’s managed service.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is Fuse?

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Fuse is an all-in-one programmatic advertising solution for digital publishers. It’s powered by a single piece of code that brings together all of the essential elements needed to maximise programmatic ad revenue on your site.


What is “Managed by Fuse”?

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Managed by Fuse is Publift’s ad management service. Our expert team at Publift uses Fuse technology to power all optimisations, A/B testing and CMP, inventory, and demand management for your website. Even though we handle the management, we are your partners and we work with you to deliver the best outcomes. Nothing goes live without your go-ahed and you are always in control.


What is Fuse Enterprise?

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Fuse Enterprise is our enterprise solution for publishers wanting to manage our Fuse technology themselves. Our Enterprise solution is built for publishers with media and ad operations teams. Fuse Enterprise allows publishers to control their ad inventory without the need for extensive development involvement. Go live with optimisations in minutes.


How do I become a publisher with Publift?

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With our “Managed by Fuse” offering, a publisher needs to be earning more than $2,000 in ad revenue. You can read the full requirements here.

Our Enterprise solution is designed to help publishers with big media teams and complex consolidate all inventory management in one place. Contact our sales team to talk about how we can help.


How much control will I have over my website?

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All of it! You have the final say on everything. We provide you with suggested layouts, ad formats etc. and give you the reasoning behind them but it's up to you whether you want to go ahead with them or not.


How do payments work?

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We issue payments via direct bank transfer in the currency of your choice. All Google revenue is paid every 30 days and all other revenue from other networks is paid in 3 months arrears. Google revenue should make up approximately 70% of your revenue so you won't see any decrease in the first 3 months compared to your current revenue.


Are there any lock-in contracts?

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In the unfortunate case you find yourself unhappy with our partnership and would like to part ways, you are able to do so by giving us 24-hour notice to terminate your agreement.


Where is the Publift team based?

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Our headquarters are in Sydney, with offices in Melbourne, Ireland, and the US. We also work with teams in the Philippines and Singapore. We're flexible with our time, so time zones aren't an issue.

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