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A/B Testing for Publishers - A Practical Guide

In this A/B testing complete guide episode, we’ve compiled everything from what A/B testing is, its benefits, and its challenges. A/B testing, also known as split testing, has long been established in digital marketing to optimize web pages and elements therein. While A/B test has a goal of increasing Revenue Per Mille (RPM), the complicated process can challenge publishers. That’s why this video covers all the tips and tricks that can suggest ways for sites to get the jump on their competitors.

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A/B Testing for Publishers - A Practical Guide

In this A/B testing complete guide episode, we’ve compiled everything from what A/B testing is, its benefits, and its challenges. A/B testing, also known as split testing, has long been established in digital marketing to optimize web pages and elements therein. While A/B test has a goal of increasing Revenue Per Mille (RPM), the complicated process can challenge publishers. That’s why this video covers all the tips and tricks that can suggest ways for sites to get the jump on their competitors.

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