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Adtech Industry

First Party Cookies vs. Third Party Cookies: What Is the Difference?

Everything publishers need to know about first-party and third-party cookies. What is the difference and what does the third-party cookie phase-out mean for you?

Interstitial Ads: Best Practices and Examples for Publishers

When used correctly, interstitial ads can be a great source of revenue for app publishers. Learn how to optimize these ads without disrupting user experience UX.

What is Ad Refresh and How Does It Work?

Ad Refresh is a Great Way for Publishers to Increase Their Advertising Revenue. This article covers the how, why, when, and where of Ad Refresh for maximum ROI.

How To Detect Ad Blockers

Our guide to ad blocking tech covers the basics of ad-blocking, how it works and what publishers can do after detecting ad blockers.

Ultimate Guide to Ad Tags

An ad tag is a piece of code that is inserted within a web page to define where and what ad will be displayed. Here is everything digital publishers need to know about ad tags.

What Are VAST Tags? A Guide for Digital Publishers

Learn the benefits of VAST tags and how to create them to serve fast, reliable video ads.

What You Need To Know About Ad Injection

Is ad injection impacting your website? Find out what ad injection is and how to prevent it from harming your online business.

What is EBDA (Exchange Bidding in Dynamic Allocation)?

What are the advantages of exchange bidding or open bidding and how is it different from header bidding? Here’s our guide to EBDA.

Key-Value Targeting in Google Ad Manager: What You Need to Know

Unsure how to target specific users better? Learn about key-value targeting in Google Ad Manager and how to get started.

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